Science and Stats
You Can’t Fix What You Don’t See
Facing distressing statistics, including heightened rates of suicide, cardiovascular disease, and reduced life expectancy, we're determined to bring the invisible challenges of unmanaged stress to the forefront.
"You can't fix what you don't see," which is why we're dedicated to promoting proactive stress management.
We can rewrite the narrative through proactive measures, reversing the stigma and guiding individuals, departments, and communities toward a healthier, more positive future.
We Have the Power to Trend Toward Positive
Life Expectancy in Police Officers: A Comparison with the U.S. General Population
Blood Pressure, Sleep Quality, and Fatigue in Shift-Working Police Officers
Police Officer Stress and the Metabolic Syndrome
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factors in Law Enforcement
URL: PubMed Article
Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress in Police and Other First Responders
URL: PubMed Article
Shift Work and Suicide Ideation Among Police Officers
URL: PubMed Article
"Toolkit for Sleep" from Huberman Lab
URL: Huberman Lab
Daily Meditation Enhances Attention, Memory, Mood, and Emotional Regulation
A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind
URL: Science Article
"The Iceberg Model of Stress" - A Framework for Understanding Stressors
URL: Iceberg Model
Circadian Rhythms in Attention - Understanding Sleep Deprivation and Alertness
Breathing Rhythm and Pattern and Their Influence on Emotion
Atypical Work Hours and Metabolic Syndrome Among Police Officers
URL: PubMed Article
Police Stressors and Health - "Psychological Stress and Cardiovascular Health"
Breathing Exercises for Stress Management - NHS Resource
URL: NHS Article
How Breath-Control Can Change Your Life
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for First Responders - Research Study
URL: Science Article
Effect of Breathwork on Stress and Mental Health
URL: Nature Article
Yoga Nidra Practice for Insomnia - Randomized Controlled Trial
Longer exhalations are an easy way to hack your vagus nerve: respiratory vagus nerve stimulation (rvns) counteracts fight-or-flight stress
Bergland, C. (2019, May 9)
Meditation could help anxiety and cardiovascular health
Christensen, K. (2018, April 19)
Progress in Corrections Worker Health: The National Corrections Collaborative Utilizing a Total Worker Health
El Ghaziri, M., Jaegers, L. A., Monteiro, C. E., Grubb, P. L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2020)
Hijacked by your brain: how to free yourself when stress takes over
Ford, J., & Wortmann, J. (2013)
Sourcebooks, Inc. Book
Relaxation techniques: Breath control helps quell errant stress responses
Harvard Health (Director). (2020, July 6)
New study shows police are at the highest risk for suicide of any profession
Hilliard, J. (2019, September 14)
The aching blue: Trauma, stress, and invisible wounds of those in law enforcement
Javanbakht, A. (2020, September 29)
How to recognize negative thought loops and stop obsessing
Jerome, L. W. (2022, December 23)
Effect of alternate nostril breathing exercise on blood pressure, heart rate, and rate pressure product among patients with hypertension in JIPMER, Puducherry
Kalaivani, S., Kumari, M. J., & Pal, G. K. (2019)
Role of resilience in mindfulness training for first responders
Kaplan, J. B., Bergman, A. L., Christopher, M., Bowen, S., & Hunsinger, M. (2017)
Strengthening resilience: essentials for officer well-being
Kaye, B., Javidi, M., Normore, A. H., and Ellis, B., (2020, May 20)
Survey: What is the state of officer mental health in 2020?
Lilly, M., & Curry, S. S. (2020, September 14)
Finding solutions to the problem of burnout
Maslach, C. (2017)
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research Article
Risk of Suicide Helpline at 800-950-6264
NAMI National Alliance of Mental Illness (April 2022)
Serious health risks among police officers due to stress
Rattue, R. (2012, July 12)
Box breathing: A tactical breathing technique to stop stress
The Prepping Guide. (2017, October 29)
Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Deep Breathing, and Guided Imagery in Promoting Psychological and Physiological States of Relaxation
Toussaint, L., Nguyen, Q. A., Roettger, C., Dixon, K., Offenbächer, M., Kohls, N., Hirsch, J., & Sirois, F. (2021)
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Article